DIY Vitamin E Night Cream

DIY Vitamin E Night Cream

DIY Vitamin E Night Cream

DIY Vitamin E Night Cream


  • Vegan
  • Gluten free


  • Baking & Spices

    • 3 tbsp Cocoa butter
  • Oils & Vinegars

    • 4 tbsp Coconut oil
    • 1 tsp Vitamin e oil
    • 4 drops Your favourite essential oil

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  • In a double-boiler, or a heat-safe bowl over a pot of boiling water, melt the cocoa butter and coconut oil. Whisk together to combine.
  • Remove from heat and let cool slightly. Whisk in vitamin E oil and essential oil.
  • If you were using a pot, transfer your mixture to a medium-size bowl. Place the bowl, covered with plastic wrap, in the refrigerator for one hour.
  • Then, whisk vigorously until the cream is light and fluffy. This is easiest done with an electric mixer but I managed whisking by hand so you can do it that way too!
  • Cover bowl with plastic wrap again and refrigerate for half an hour.
  • Whisk vigorously again until light and fluffy. Scoop into a quarter-pint size mason jar and cover tightly.
  • Before bed, apply a small amount to a clean face.
  • Wake up with great skin!

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DIY: Vitamin E Nighttime Face Cream - The Refreshanista


This super moisturizing face cream has healing, anti-aging Vitamin E. Wake up with better skin everyday!

DIY Vitamin E Night Cream

  • Baking & Spices

    • 3 tbsp Cocoa butter
  • Oils & Vinegars

    • 4 tbsp Coconut oil
    • 1 tsp Vitamin e oil
    • 4 drops Your favourite essential oil

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The Refreshanista

DIY: Vitamin E Nighttime Face Cream - The Refreshanista

This super moisturizing face cream has healing, anti-aging Vitamin E. Wake up with better skin everyday!