Fig-a-licious Vegan Tart (gluten free

Fig-a-licious Vegan Tart (gluten free

  • Prepare: 20M
  • Cook: 25M
  • Total: 45M
Fig-a-licious Vegan Tart (gluten free

Fig-a-licious Vegan Tart (gluten free


  • Vegan
  • Gluten free


  • Produce

    • 250 g Figs
    • 1 heaped tsp Orange or lemon rind
  • Condiments

    • 3 tbsp Brown rice syrup
  • Baking & Spices

    • 75 g Rice flour, brown or white
    • 1 Rice flour
    • 75 g Tapioca flour
    • 1 tsp Vanilla essence
  • Oils & Vinegars

    • 3 tbsp Coconut oil
    • 1 dash Oil
  • Nuts & Seeds

    • 1 heaped tbsp Flax seed, ground
  • Time
  • Prepare: 20M
  • Cook: 25M
  • Total: 45M

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A deliciously healthy fig tart recipe with a melt in the mouth, light gluten-free pastry. Naturally sweetened.


  • Ingredients:
  • 250g (9 oz) figs, plus water to soak
  • 1 heaped teaspoon of orange or lemon rind
  • 75g (2½ oz) rice flour (brown or white)
  • 75g (2½ oz) tapioca flour (also known as tapioca starch)
  • 1 heaped tablespoon ground flax seed
  • 3 tablespoons brown rice syrup
  • 3 tablespoons coconut oil
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla essence
  • Extra dash of oil (to oil the tin)
  • Extra rice flour (for rolling on)


  • Soak figs in water overnight (or at least 3 hours) to soften for blending.
  • Finely grate orange peel (or lemon rind).
  • Drain figs and blend together with the grated orange peel. Put this to the side whilst you prepare the gluten-free pastry.
  • Briefly mix rice flour, tapioca flour, ground flax seed together in a mixing bowl.
  • Mix in coconut oil, rice syrup and vanilla essence with a spoon. Once it has started to combine together nicely, use the back of your spoon to press it all together until you have one large ball of pastry.
  • Lightly oil the cake tin.
  • Take about half of the pastry ball/lump, place it in the middle of the tin and press downward in all directions until it is evenly spread all over. This should create a layer about ½ cm (¼ inch) thick. If its a bit too thick in one place and lacking in another, then just press & push (a bit like being a pastry massage therapist) until its sort of even. Doesnt have to be perfect.
  • Create a fig layer on top of the pastry by spreading your blended fig mixture evenly all over. Spoon it on and then spread with a blunt knife.
  • Take the remaining pastry from the mixing bowl and roll into a thick cylindrical shape (doesnt have to be perfect). Lightly flour your kitchen counter top and begin to roll until the pastry is approximately ¼ cm (⅛ inch) thick. This can be a little fiddly, but gets much easier with practice.
  • Use a sharp knife to cut your rolled pastry into strips of approximately 1cm width (½ inch) wide. Carefully lift strips (using a cake slice/spGluten Free Vegan Fig Tartatula if you have one) and form a lattice pattern on top. There is a bit of an art to creating a lattice pattern and, honestly, the best way to learn is just to make it up as you go a long. If you dont want to create a lattice then use your creativity to do what ever you feel like on top instead.
  • Bake in a pre-heated oven at gas mark 6 (200˚C/400˚F) for approximately 25 minutes or until the pastry begins to tan on top.
  • Serve warm, right away or allow to cool. They should keep nicely for a few days in a sealed container.
  • Serves: 4 - 6
  • Prepare: 20 mins
  • Cook Time: 25 mins
  • TotalTime:

300 23

Fig-a-licious Vegan Tart (gluten free, vegan - with light, melt-in-the-mouth pastry!


I love dispelling the myth that healthy food can't be absolutely delicious.  There's something really satiating about eating a dessert that not only tastes scrumptious, but is also full of healthy ingredients. My 'Fig-a-licious Vegan Tart' is free from diary, egg, wheat, gluten, refined sugar and it STILL tastes delectable. We absolutely love this one

Fig-a-licious Vegan Tart (gluten free

  • Produce

    • 250 g Figs
    • 1 heaped tsp Orange or lemon rind
  • Condiments

    • 3 tbsp Brown rice syrup
  • Baking & Spices

    • 75 g Rice flour, brown or white
    • 1 Rice flour
    • 75 g Tapioca flour
    • 1 tsp Vanilla essence
  • Oils & Vinegars

    • 3 tbsp Coconut oil
    • 1 dash Oil
  • Nuts & Seeds

    • 1 heaped tbsp Flax seed, ground

The first person this recipe

300 23

Found on

Trinity's Conscious Kitchen

Fig-a-licious Vegan Tart (gluten free, vegan - with light, melt-in-the-mouth pastry!

I love dispelling the myth that healthy food can't be absolutely delicious.  There's something really satiating about eating a dessert that not only tastes scrumptious, but is also full of healthy ingredients. My 'Fig-a-licious Vegan Tart' is free from diary, egg, wheat, gluten, refined sugar and it STILL tastes delectable. We absolutely love this one