Hawaiian Fried Rice with Easy Sweet and Sour Sauce

Hawaiian Fried Rice with Easy Sweet and Sour Sauce

  • Serves: 4
Hawaiian Fried Rice with Easy Sweet and Sour Sauce

Hawaiian Fried Rice with Easy Sweet and Sour Sauce


  • Meat

    • 1 cup Ham, cooked
  • Produce

    • 4 Chestnut mushrooms
    • 1 Green bell pepper
    • 1/2 Lemon, Juice of
    • 1 Lemon, wedges
    • 1 Onion
    • 1 400ml can Pineapple chunks in, juice
    • 1 Red bell pepper
    • 1 Small bunch Scallions
  • Refrigerated

    • 2 Eggs
  • Condiments

    • 2 tbsp Soy sauce, dark
    • 9 tbsp Tomato ketchup
  • Pasta & Grains

    • 6 cups Rice, cooked white long grain
  • Baking & Spices

    • 1/2 tsp Garlic salt
    • 5 tbsp Muscovado sugar, dark brown
  • Oils & Vinegars

    • 3 tbsp Malt vinegar
    • 2 tbsp Vegetable oil
  • Drinks

    • 3 tbsp Pineapple juice

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Fried rice with pineapple may sound strange, but after you try this recipe, you’ll see that it just works! It’s made with big chunks of ham and pineapple, veggies and an addicting sweet and sour sauce.


  • 2 tbsp vegetable oil
  • 1 onion, peeled and diced
  • 1 red bell pepper, deseeded and chopped
  • 1 green bell pepper, deseeded and chopped
  • 4 chestnut mushrooms, sliced
  • 1 cup cooked ham chunks (or shredded ham)
  • 400ml can of pineapple chunks in juice, drained (reserve the juice)
  • 6 cups cooked white long grain rice, cooled
  • 2 tbsp. dark soy sauce
  • ½ tsp garlic salt
  • 2 eggs
  • juice of ½ a lemon
  • 9 tbsp tomato ketchup
  • 3 tbsp malt vinegar (it must be malt vinegar!)
  • 5 tbsp dark brown muscovado sugar
  • 3 tbsp pineapple juice (from the canned pineapple above)
  • Small bunch scallions, chopped
  • Lemon wedges


  • Start with the sauce. Mix the sweet and sour sauce ingredients together in a small bowl and place in the microwave. Cook for 1-2 minute until the sauce bubbles. Stir again then put to one side (you can bring to the boil in a small pan if you prefer). Heat the oil in a large wok. Add the onion and cook, stirring regularly on a medium heat for 5 minutes until the onion softens. Add in the red and green bell peppers, and the sliced mushrooms. Cook for a further 3 minutes. Add the ham chunks and pineapple pieces and cook for a further 2-3 minutes. Add in the cooked rice and turn up the heat to high, Toss everything together using a spatula. Add the soy sauce and garlic salt and continue to cook, moving everything around the pan regularly so it doesn’t stick, until the rice is hot (takes about 5-6 minutes). Once the rice is hot, push the rice over to the side of the pan and crack the eggs into the space. Move the pan so that the bit with the eggs in is right over the heat. Move the eggs round slowly until they start to scramble. As they scramble mix the eggs into the rice. Add the lemon juice, stir and taste. Add more soy sauce if needed. Divide between four bowls and top with chopped scallions and lemon wedges. Reheat the sauce for another 30 seconds, and serve it with the rice.
  • Serves: 4


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Hawaiian Fried Rice with Easy Sweet and Sour Sauce - Simply Stacie


Pineapple in fried rice may sound weird, but you'll be surprised at how yummy it is! This Hawaiian Fried Rice with Easy Sweet and Sour Sauce is delicious.

Hawaiian Fried Rice with Easy Sweet and Sour Sauce

  • Meat

    • 1 cup Ham, cooked
  • Produce

    • 4 Chestnut mushrooms
    • 1 Green bell pepper
    • 1/2 Lemon, Juice of
    • 1 Lemon, wedges
    • 1 Onion
    • 1 400ml can Pineapple chunks in, juice
    • 1 Red bell pepper
    • 1 Small bunch Scallions
  • Refrigerated

    • 2 Eggs
  • Condiments

    • 2 tbsp Soy sauce, dark
    • 9 tbsp Tomato ketchup
  • Pasta & Grains

    • 6 cups Rice, cooked white long grain
  • Baking & Spices

    • 1/2 tsp Garlic salt
    • 5 tbsp Muscovado sugar, dark brown
  • Oils & Vinegars

    • 3 tbsp Malt vinegar
    • 2 tbsp Vegetable oil
  • Drinks

    • 3 tbsp Pineapple juice

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Found on simplystacie.net

Simply Stacie

Hawaiian Fried Rice with Easy Sweet and Sour Sauce - Simply Stacie

Pineapple in fried rice may sound weird, but you'll be surprised at how yummy it is! This Hawaiian Fried Rice with Easy Sweet and Sour Sauce is delicious.