Hazelnut Praline Ice Cream

Hazelnut Praline Ice Cream

Hazelnut Praline Ice Cream

Hazelnut Praline Ice Cream


  • Vegetarian
  • Gluten free


  • Condiments

    • 2 tbsp Glucose syrup
  • Baking & Spices

    • 1 1/4 cup Castor sugar
    • 1 1/2 tbsp Cornstarch
    • 1 pinch Salt
    • 1 Vanilla bean
  • Nuts & Seeds

    • 2/3 cup Hazelnuts, whole
  • Dairy

    • 3 tbsp Cream cheese
    • 1 1/4 cups Heavy cream
    • 2 cups Milk

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Rich vanilla ice cream, swirled with crunchy pieces of hazelnut praline.


  • ½ cup (110g) caster sugar (regular granulated sugar is fine)
  • ⅔ cup (125g) whole skinned hazelnuts
  • 3 tbsp cream cheese
  • pinch of salt
  • 2 cups milk
  • 1 + ½ tbsp cornstarch (cornflour in Australia)
  • 1 + ¼ cups heavy cream
  • ⅔ cup caster sugar
  • 2 tbsp glucose syrup (or light corn syrup)
  • 1 vanilla bean (or more, if you can afford it)


  • To make the praline, place the nuts into a dry frying pan and cook them over a medium heat until they look burnished and golden.
  • Line a baking tray with greaseproof paper.
  • In a medium sized, heavy based saucepan add the sugar, along with 2 tbsps of water and place over a high heat.
  • Cook the sugar and water, never stirring, until it begins to change colour. You can swirl the pan gently to ensure the sugar caramelises evenly.
  • Once you have an amber caramel, carefully add the hazelnuts and keep cooking for a few minutes, swirling the pan so that all the nuts are coated.
  • Tip the mixture out onto the lined baking tray, ensuring the nuts are in one layer, and leave to cool completely.
  • To make the ice cream, place the cream cheese and salt into a large mixing bowl, and stir together until smooth.
  • Place 2 tbsp of the milk, and the cornstarch into a small bowl, and stir them together.
  • Place the remaining ingredients into a large saucepan, including the vanilla bean, split and with the seeds scraped out and added.
  • Bring the mixture to the boil over a medium heat, and let boil for 4 minutes.
  • Remove from the heat and whisk in the cornstarch and milk. Return to the heat briefly, until the mixture thickens.
  • Now, slowly incorporate the thickened mixture into the cream cheese and salt, ensuring there are no lumps. Cover and chill until completely cold.
  • Churn the ice cream according to the instructions on your ice cream machine.
  • Chop the praline finely by hand, or in a food processor.
  • When the ice cream is churned, pack it into a container, generously sprinkling each layer with plenty of praline, finishing with praline. You may have a little left over - bonus!


275 0

Hazelnut Praline Ice Cream | The Sugar Hit


  There is something so old school sexy about praline.  It seems so luxurious to me – I remember hearing Nigella describe it once as ‘edible gold filings’.   That was probably before the huge proliferation of actual gold being...

Hazelnut Praline Ice Cream

  • Condiments

    • 2 tbsp Glucose syrup
  • Baking & Spices

    • 1 1/4 cup Castor sugar
    • 1 1/2 tbsp Cornstarch
    • 1 pinch Salt
    • 1 Vanilla bean
  • Nuts & Seeds

    • 2/3 cup Hazelnuts, whole
  • Dairy

    • 3 tbsp Cream cheese
    • 1 1/4 cups Heavy cream
    • 2 cups Milk

The first person this recipe



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Found on thesugarhit.com

The Sugar Hit

Hazelnut Praline Ice Cream | The Sugar Hit

  There is something so old school sexy about praline.  It seems so luxurious to me – I remember hearing Nigella describe it once as ‘edible gold filings’.   That was probably before the huge proliferation of actual gold being...