Heston Blumenthal's chocolate truffles

Heston Blumenthal's chocolate truffles

  • Serves: 25
  • Prepare: 30 minutes
  • Cook Time: 10 minutes
Heston Blumenthal's chocolate truffles

Heston Blumenthal's chocolate truffles


  • Vegetarian
  • Gluten free


  • Baking & Spices

    • 1 Cocoa powder
    • 300 g Dark chocolate
    • 1 tsp Salt
  • Dairy

    • 300 ml Double cream

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"At the heart of a good chocolate truffle is the ganache," says Heston Blumenthal. "It sounds poncy but really it’s just 50:50 cream and chocolate and it’s really easy to make. Once you have mastered the basic recipe, you can infuse the cream with different flavours to create your own unique truffles."


  • Place the cream in a pan over a medium heat and bring up to a simmer.
  • Melt the chocolate in a large bowl over a saucepan of simmering water.
  • When the cream is simmering, remove the pan from the heat, add the salt, and add to the melted chocolate in three batches, making sure that the cream is thoroughly incorporated after each addition. Allow to cool slightly.
  • Pour the chocolate mixture on to a lined tray and leave to stand at room temperature for 4 hours, then place in the fridge for 5-6 hours or until set.
  • Using a small melon baller, scoop balls of the chocolate out of the ganache then roll in cocoa powder before serving.
  • Serves: 25
  • Prepare: 30 minutes
  • Cook Time: 10 minutes


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Heston Blumenthal's chocolate truffles


"At the heart of a good chocolate truffle is the ganache," says Heston Blumenthal. "It sounds poncy but really it’s just 50:50 cream and chocolate and it’s really easy to make. Once you have mastered the basic recipe, you can infuse the cream with different flavours to create your own unique truffles."

Heston Blumenthal's chocolate truffles

  • Baking & Spices

    • 1 Cocoa powder
    • 300 g Dark chocolate
    • 1 tsp Salt
  • Dairy

    • 300 ml Double cream

The first person this recipe



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Found on nonnascooking.com

Nonna's Cooking

Heston Blumenthal's chocolate truffles

"At the heart of a good chocolate truffle is the ganache," says Heston Blumenthal. "It sounds poncy but really it’s just 50:50 cream and chocolate and it’s really easy to make. Once you have mastered the basic recipe, you can infuse the cream with different flavours to create your own unique truffles."