Homemade Cloth Napkins Tutorial

Homemade Cloth Napkins Tutorial

  • Prepare: 2H
  • Total: 2H
Homemade Cloth Napkins Tutorial

Homemade Cloth Napkins Tutorial


  • Ingredients

    • 12 squares of matching fabric, about 45 x 45 cm (18 by 18 inches for a regular napkin, 35 x 35 cm (14 by 14 inches for a child-size napkin, pre-washed and pressed
    • Matching thread
    • A sewing machine
    • Pins
    • A chopstick
    • An iron
  • Other

    • scissors
  • Time
  • Prepare: 2H
  • Total: 2H

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  • 12 squares of matching fabric, about 45 x 45 cm (18 by 18 inches) for a regular napkin, 35 x 35 cm (14 by 14 inches) for a child-size napkin, pre-washed and pressed
  • Matching thread
  • A sewing machine
  • Pins
  • Scissors
  • A chopstick
  • An iron


  • Stack the squares of fabric two by two, right sides together, and pin them together along the sides.
  • Starting from one end of the opening, sew the squares together with a 1-cm (1/3-inch) seam allowance, pivoting the needle as you turn each corner. Stop when you reach the other end of the opening, so it remains open.
  • Clip the corners, making sure you dont cut through the thread.
  • Turn the fabric out through the opening so the right sides face out. Push out the corners neatly using the chopstick.
  • Press the edges of the napkin so they lay nice and flat, folding back the lips of the opening so it becomes invisible.
  • Topstitch along all four sides, about 3 mm (1/8 inch) from the edges, pivoting the needle as you turn each corner: this will serve the double purpose of making the edges of the napkins crisp, and sewing the openings shut.
  • Serves: Makes 6 napkins.
  • Prepare: PT2H
  • TotalTime:


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Homemade Cloth Napkins: An Easy Step-by-Step Tutorial | Chocolate & Zucchini


DIY cloth napkins for your home. An easy tutorial with step-by-step photos. Perfect sewing project for a beginner!

Homemade Cloth Napkins Tutorial

  • Ingredients

    • 12 squares of matching fabric, about 45 x 45 cm (18 by 18 inches for a regular napkin, 35 x 35 cm (14 by 14 inches for a child-size napkin, pre-washed and pressed
    • Matching thread
    • A sewing machine
    • Pins
    • A chopstick
    • An iron
  • Other

    • scissors

The first person this recipe



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Found on chocolateandzucchini.com

Chocolate & Zucchini

Homemade Cloth Napkins: An Easy Step-by-Step Tutorial | Chocolate & Zucchini

DIY cloth napkins for your home. An easy tutorial with step-by-step photos. Perfect sewing project for a beginner!