Maple Bourbon Creme Brûlée

Maple Bourbon Creme Brûlée

Maple Bourbon Creme Brûlée

Maple Bourbon Creme Brûlée


  • Refrigerated

    • 4 Egg yolks
  • Condiments

    • 1/2 cup Maple syrup
  • Baking & Spices

    • 2 tbsp Granulated sugar, fine
    • 2 tsp Vanilla extract
  • Dairy

    • 1 1/2 cups Heavy cream
    • 1/4 cup Whole milk
  • Beer, Wine & Liquor

    • 2 tbsp Bourbon

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  • 1 ½ cups heavy cream
  • ¼ cup whole milk
  • 4 egg yolks
  • ½ cup maple syrup
  • 2 teaspoons vanilla extract
  • 2 tablespoons bourbon
  • 2 tablespoons fine granulated sugar


  • Preheat the oven to 325 degrees F.
  • Place molds on a baking sheet with 1-inch high sides.
  • Bring the cream and milk just to a boil.
  • In a 1 or 2 quart glass measuring cup or in a medium bowl, whisk together the egg yolks, maple syrup, vanilla, and bourbon until well blended but not airy. Still whisking, drizzle in about one quarter of the hot liquid – this will temper, or warm, the yolks so they won’t curdle. Whisking all the while, slowly pour in the remainder of the cream and milk. Give the bowl a good rap against the counter to d-bubble the custard, then strain it into the baking dishes.
  • Using hot water from the tap, pour enough water into the baking sheet to reach halfway up the sides of the molds.
  • Bake the custards for 40 minutes, or until the centers are set – tap the sides of the dishes, and the custards should hold firm. Lift the dishes onto a cooling rack and let the custards cool until they reach room temperature.
  • Cover each custard with plastic wrap and refrigerate for at least 3 hours, preferably longer. For the sugar to be successfully caramelized, the custards need to be thoroughly chilled.
  • When ready to serve, Place the molds on a clean baking sheet. Sprinkle 2 teaspoons of the sugar over the top of the custards. It is important to spread the sugar evenly. Torch or place under broiler until sugar is caramelized. Serve immediately.



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Maple Bourbon Creme Brûlée


Maple syrup and bourbon whiskey are the two key ingredients here. The sweet and subtle flavors add just enough complexity to make this crème brulee standout in any crowd of desserts.

Maple Bourbon Creme Brûlée

  • Refrigerated

    • 4 Egg yolks
  • Condiments

    • 1/2 cup Maple syrup
  • Baking & Spices

    • 2 tbsp Granulated sugar, fine
    • 2 tsp Vanilla extract
  • Dairy

    • 1 1/2 cups Heavy cream
    • 1/4 cup Whole milk
  • Beer, Wine & Liquor

    • 2 tbsp Bourbon

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ImPECKable Eats

Maple Bourbon Creme Brûlée

Maple syrup and bourbon whiskey are the two key ingredients here. The sweet and subtle flavors add just enough complexity to make this crème brulee standout in any crowd of desserts.