Minty Lime Iced Green

Minty Lime Iced Green "Flat Belly" Tea

Minty Lime Iced Green

Minty Lime Iced Green "Flat Belly" Tea


  • Vegan
  • Gluten free
  • Paleo


  • Produce

    • 1 bag Green tea
    • 1/2 Lime, small
    • 2 Mint, leaves
  • Frozen

    • 1 Ice
  • Liquids

    • 8 oz Water

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  • 1 bag green tea
  • 8 ounces of water
  • ½ small lime, juiced
  • 2-3 mint leaves
  • Ice, to chill


  • Prepare green tea according to package directions. (We heated water, just until it bubbled, not a rolling boil., Then we poured it over the green tea bag, let steep for 5 minutes and then removed the tea bag. For stronger tea you can steep longer).
  • While tea is steeping, juice ½ of a small lime in a small dish.
  • Add the mint leaves into the lime juice and muddle (press the leaves into the dish to release their healthful oils) slightly to release their oils.
  • Once tea has cooled slightly, pour tea over ice, add in lime/mint juice. You can include the leaves or leave them out, either way you will get their minty effect.


Nutrition Information Serving size: 8 oz Calories: 8 Fat: 0 g Saturated fat: 0 g Carbohydrates: 3 g Sugar: 1 g Sodium: 1 mg Fiber: 4 g Protein: 0 g Cholesterol: 0 mg

378 12

Minty Lime Iced Green "Flat Belly" Tea - Nutrition Twins


As veggie- loving, twin sister, registered dietitians and personal trainers, you probably think that we eat healthy foods all of the time and must never battle the bloat or even have days of feeling puffy in the summer heat!  Ha! If only!  First, we do eat healthy foods most of the time, but you likely …

Minty Lime Iced Green "Flat Belly" Tea

  • Produce

    • 1 bag Green tea
    • 1/2 Lime, small
    • 2 Mint, leaves
  • Frozen

    • 1 Ice
  • Liquids

    • 8 oz Water

The first person this recipe

378 12

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Nutrition Twins

Minty Lime Iced Green "Flat Belly" Tea - Nutrition Twins

As veggie- loving, twin sister, registered dietitians and personal trainers, you probably think that we eat healthy foods all of the time and must never battle the bloat or even have days of feeling puffy in the summer heat!  Ha! If only!  First, we do eat healthy foods most of the time, but you likely …