Baking & Spices
Title: | Pan Dulce - Mexican Sweet Bread Recipe - |
Descrition: | You cannot have one of these unless you have a cup of coffee or hot chocolate and a good friend sitting at your kitchen table with you talking about the lastest chisme. I remember going to the local panaderia with my Nana and picking up some pan dulce if she knew she had company coming. I would sit at her plastic covered table cloth and not have to worry about any drips as I dipped my bread into the cafe con leche and listened as the conversations flowed around me. I wish I had had this recipe back then and I would have made it for her. This recipe is different from others in that you can make it the night before and then stick it in the oven in the morning and serve it to those you love! |
Pan Dulce - Mexican Sweet Bread
Baking & Spices
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Pan Dulce - Mexican Sweet Bread Recipe -
You cannot have one of these unless you have a cup of coffee or hot chocolate and a good friend sitting at your kitchen table with you talking about the lastest chisme. I remember going to the local panaderia with my Nana and picking up some pan dulce if she knew she had company coming. I would sit at her plastic covered table cloth and not have to worry about any drips as I dipped my bread into the cafe con leche and listened as the conversations flowed around me. I wish I had had this recipe back then and I would have made it for her. This recipe is different from others in that you can make it the night before and then stick it in the oven in the morning and serve it to those you love!