Perfect Pineapple Soap Tutorial

Perfect Pineapple Soap Tutorial

  • Cook: 2H
  • Total: 2H
Perfect Pineapple Soap Tutorial

Perfect Pineapple Soap Tutorial


  • Produce

    • 1 Pineapple, Whole
    • 1 Sunset orange mica
  • Baking & Spices

    • 33 oz Swirl quick mix
  • Oils & Vinegars

    • 2 oz Pineapple cilantro fragrance oil
  • Bread & Baked Goods

    • 10 Silicone loaf mold
  • Liquids

    • 10 3/4 oz Distilled water
  • Other

    • Green Chrome Oxide Pigment
    • Flexy Fast Molding Putty
    • Yellow Mica
    • 4.6 oz. Sodium Hydroxide Lye
    • Titanium Dioxide
  • Time
  • Cook: 2H
  • Total: 2H

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Tutorials on soapmaking, bath fizzies, lotions and more

This pineapple soap is created with a silicone mat, made with a real pineapple! Its scented with the sweet Pineapple Cilantro Fragrance Oil.


  • Flexy Fast Molding Putty
  • Whole Pineapple
  • 10″ Silicone Loaf Mold
  • 33 oz. Swirl Quick Mix
  • 4.6 oz. Sodium Hydroxide Lye
  • 10.8 oz. Distilled Water
  • 2 oz. Pineapple Cilantro Fragrance Oil
  • Yellow Mica
  • Titanium Dioxide
  • Green Chrome Oxide Pigment
  • Sunset Orange Mica


  • Prepare your work space by placing a piece of parchment or freezer paper on the counter with the shiny side up. Wash and dry your pineapple and have it nearby.
  • Flexy Fast Molding Putty comes as 2 parts, Part A and Part B. The two parts are mixed together and once combined, the putty will begin to harden. Exactly how much you use will depend on how thick youd like the mat to be. The putty can be measured by either weight or volume. The usage rate is 20A:1B by volume, which is roughly a golf ball amount of A and a marble amount of B. If measuring in weight, the ratio is or 100A:6B. This is a little bit of a tricky ratio to figure out, so volume may be easier if math isnt your strong suit. For reference, I used about 500 grams of part A and 30 grams of part B. I did end up cutting off quite a bit of my silicone mold at the end, so you can use less. With vinyl (latex gloves will stick to the putty) gloves on, knead the two components together until fully incorporated. You’re done when you have a nice bubblegum color with no pink streaks, which will take about 1 minute. Work quickly. The putty will begin to harden once Part A and Part B are incorporated.
  • Quickly spread out the putty on the parchment/freezer paper in the general shape of the 10 Silicone Loaf Mold. Very firmly press the pineapple into the putty, and roll it to press the pattern of the skin in. Roll the pineapple several times if necessary. Allow the putty to harden overnight.
  • Once the putty has hardened, peel it away from the parchment paper. Trace the silicone mold on the back of the mat and cut. Continue to trim the mat until it fits in the bottom of the mold. Now we are ready to soap!
  • Slowly and carefully add the lye to the water and gently stir until the lye has fully dissolved and the liquid is clear. Set aside to cool.
  • Fully melt the entire bag of the Swirl Recipe Quick Mix until there is no cloudiness. Shake to mix and measure out 33 oz. Once the lye water and the oils have cooled to 130 degrees F or below (and are ideally within 10 degrees of each other), add the lye water to the oils and stick blend until thin trace. If you’d like a harder bar of soap that releases faster from the mold, you can add sodium lactate to the cooled lye water. Use 1 teaspoon of sodium lactate per pound of oils in the recipe. For this recipe, you’d add about 2 teaspoons sodium lactate.
  • Once you’ve reached a thin trace, split off about 1-2 ounces of soap into three separate containers. Add the following amount of dispersed colorants into each individual container and use a spoon to fully mix in.CONTAINER A: ⅛ tsp. dispersed Yellow MicaCONTAINER B: ⅛ tsp. dispersed Sunset Orange MicaCONTAINER C: ¼ tsp. Green Chrome Oxide Pigment
  • Pour a small amount of the yellow soap on top of the pineapple impression mat. Use a spoon or spatula to spread the soap into pineapple pattern. Scrape away the excess.Then pour a small amount of the orange soap, and use the spoon or spatula to spread the orange soap on top of the yellow. Scrape away the excess. Finally, gently place the green soap on top until the mat is completely covered. Pour any leftover yellow soap into the main batch and mix in.
  • Pour the Pineapple Cilantro Fragrance Oil into the main batch of soap and use a whisk to fully mix in. Split off about 300 mL of soap from the main batch, and add 1 teaspoon dispersed titanium dioxide. Use a whisk to mix in the colorant. To the main batch, add the rest of the dispersed Yellow Mica (or until you reach a soft yellow color) and mix in with a whisk.
  • It’s time to make the in-the-pot swirl! Holding the white soap container about 6 inches above the yellow, pour the white soap into various areas of the yellow soap. Pour steadily to get the color all the way to the bottom of the container.
  • Carefully, pour the soap into the mold. Be careful to not break through the green layer. To help prevent this, I poured the soap over a spatula. Once full, tap the mold firmly on the counter to help get rid of bubbles.
  • Spray the top of the soap with 99% isopropyl alcohol to help prevent soda ash. Cover the soap and insulate for 24 hours. Allow the soap to stay in the mold for 2-3 days. Carefully remove the soap from the mold, and peel away the silicone mat from the bottom. Cut into bars and allow them to cure for 4-6 weeks. I used the Soap Shaver to give the bars a smoother and straighter bottom. Enjoy!
  • Serves: 2-3 pounds of soap
  • Cook Time: 2 hours
  • TotalTime:

619 39

Perfect Pineapple Soap Tutorial - Soap Queen


Juicy, sweet and slightly tart, pineapple is a delicious summer fruit. I love putting pineapple in smoothies or just enjoying it on its own. They are also super popular right now; I have been seeing pineapple themed paper goods, clothing and designs popping up everywhere! For this project, I wanted to create a realistic pineapple …

Perfect Pineapple Soap Tutorial

  • Produce

    • 1 Pineapple, Whole
    • 1 Sunset orange mica
  • Baking & Spices

    • 33 oz Swirl quick mix
  • Oils & Vinegars

    • 2 oz Pineapple cilantro fragrance oil
  • Bread & Baked Goods

    • 10 Silicone loaf mold
  • Liquids

    • 10 3/4 oz Distilled water
  • Other

    • Green Chrome Oxide Pigment
    • Flexy Fast Molding Putty
    • Yellow Mica
    • 4.6 oz. Sodium Hydroxide Lye
    • Titanium Dioxide

The first person this recipe

619 39

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Soap Queen

Perfect Pineapple Soap Tutorial - Soap Queen

Juicy, sweet and slightly tart, pineapple is a delicious summer fruit. I love putting pineapple in smoothies or just enjoying it on its own. They are also super popular right now; I have been seeing pineapple themed paper goods, clothing and designs popping up everywhere! For this project, I wanted to create a realistic pineapple …