Quick & Nourishing Japanese Soup

Quick & Nourishing Japanese Soup

Quick & Nourishing Japanese Soup

Quick & Nourishing Japanese Soup


  • Gluten free


  • Seafood

    • 2 cans Sardines, whole in brine packed
  • Produce

    • 3 Carrots, small
    • 1 Chinese or crinkly cabbage (approx. 200g., wedge
    • 1 Green onion
    • 1 Onion, large
    • 1 Zucchini (300-400g., Medium
  • Condiments

    • 1/2 cup Soy sauce or slightly less tamari
  • Liquids

    • 2 qt Water

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Real food & natural living with a side of sass.

Beth is the creator and editor here at Red & Honey, a lifestyle blog for the naturally-minded homemaker. She recently began a passionate love affair with coffee and her life will never be the same. She has had three babies in less than four years, is a professional laundry-avoider, and loves to stay up way too late making weird stuff from scratch that normal people tend to just buy in a store. Hence, the coffee. Read more posts by Beth.


  • 2 quarts water
  • 3 Small carrots
  • 1 Large onion
  • 2 cans whole sardines (packed in brine, not vegetable oil. (250g))
  • 1 wedge Chinese or crinkly cabbage (approx. 200g.)
  • 1 Medium zucchini (300-400g.)
  • ½ cup soy sauce or slightly less tamari, to taste
  • green onion (for garnish)


  • In a medium-sized pot, start water to boil.
  • Slice carrots on the diagonal and add to water.
  • Cut the onion in half, thinly slice half circles and add to pot.
  • Open the cans of sardines and break up with a fork, add to water.
  • Cut the cabbage into chunks, add to pot as well as any other add in.
  • Using a julienne peeler or other instrument, julienne the zucchini into noodles. The longer the noodles sit in the hot broth, the softer they will be.
  • Turn off the heat, add soy sauce or tamari.
  • When serving, make sure to scoop up from the bottom of the pot, otherwise all the sardine and bone goodness sinks and will be left at the bottom.
  • Serve and garnish with green onion. Slurp noodles for maximum enjoyment.


328 18

Quick & Nourishing Japanese Soup - Red and Honey


I can see my Japanese father sitting at the table with a steaming bowl of soup against the background of a clear winter sky, the noon sun shining...

Quick & Nourishing Japanese Soup

  • Seafood

    • 2 cans Sardines, whole in brine packed
  • Produce

    • 3 Carrots, small
    • 1 Chinese or crinkly cabbage (approx. 200g., wedge
    • 1 Green onion
    • 1 Onion, large
    • 1 Zucchini (300-400g., Medium
  • Condiments

    • 1/2 cup Soy sauce or slightly less tamari
  • Liquids

    • 2 qt Water

The first person this recipe



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Found on redandhoney.com

Red and Honey

Quick & Nourishing Japanese Soup - Red and Honey

I can see my Japanese father sitting at the table with a steaming bowl of soup against the background of a clear winter sky, the noon sun shining...