Salted Chocolate Dipped Mandarin Slices

Salted Chocolate Dipped Mandarin Slices

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Salted Chocolate Dipped Mandarin Slices

Salted Chocolate Dipped Mandarin Slices


  • Vegan
  • Gluten free
  • Paleo


  • Produce

    • 5 Mandarin oranges

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  • 5 mandarin oranges1/2 cup semi-sweet chocolate or dark chocolate chipsSea salt or coarse salt1 teaspoon shortening, optional


  • 1. Line a baking sheet with parchment or wax paper and set aside. Peel the mandarin oranges. 2. In a microwave safe bowl or with the help of a double boiler, melt chocolate chips and add shortening, if desired. Adding shortening is optional - it helps make the chocolate super smooth and easier to work with. Using only melted chocolate will work fine as well. 3. Dip each slice halfway into the melted chocolate and place on prepared baking sheet. Sprinkle with salt and repeat until all slices are evenly coated and sprinkled with salt. Refrigerate for 10 minutes or until chocolate has hardened. Enjoy!
  • Serves:
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1341 77

Salted Chocolate Dipped Mandarin Slices


Salted Chocolate Dipped Mandarin Slices, Serves: 5 Servings, Directions:  1. Line a baking sheet with parchment or wax paper and set aside. Peel the mandarin oranges. 2. In a microwave safe bowl or with the help of a double boiler, melt chocolate chips and add shortening, if desired. Adding shortening is optional - it helps make the chocolate super smooth and easier to work with. Using only melted chocolate will work fine as well. 3. Dip each slice halfway into the melted chocolate and place on prepared baking sheet. Sprinkle with salt and repeat until all slices are evenly coated and sprinkled with salt. Refrigerate for 10 minutes or until chocolate has hardened. Enjoy!

Salted Chocolate Dipped Mandarin Slices

  • Produce

    • 5 Mandarin oranges

The first person this recipe

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Salted Chocolate Dipped Mandarin Slices

Salted Chocolate Dipped Mandarin Slices, Serves: 5 Servings, Directions:  1. Line a baking sheet with parchment or wax paper and set aside. Peel the mandarin oranges. 2. In a microwave safe bowl or with the help of a double boiler, melt chocolate chips and add shortening, if desired. Adding shortening is optional - it helps make the chocolate super smooth and easier to work with. Using only melted chocolate will work fine as well. 3. Dip each slice halfway into the melted chocolate and place on prepared baking sheet. Sprinkle with salt and repeat until all slices are evenly coated and sprinkled with salt. Refrigerate for 10 minutes or until chocolate has hardened. Enjoy!