Spiced Cider Toddy

Spiced Cider Toddy

Spiced Cider Toddy

Spiced Cider Toddy


  • Produce

    • 1 1-inch strip Orange peel
    • 1 Orange peel, twist
    • 1 Spiced tea bag
  • Baking & Spices

    • 1 Cinnamon sugar
  • Drinks

    • 6 oz Apple cider
  • Dairy

    • 1/4 cup Heavy whipping cream
  • Beer, Wine & Liquor

    • 3 dashes Aromatic bitters
    • 1 oz Bourbon

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Spiced Cider Toddy Author: Cindy Prep time: 10 mins Total time: 10 mins Serves: 1 hot toddy Warming bourbon, spiced tea, and hot apple cider get capped with a luscious layer of whipped cream in this take on a hot toddy.


  • 6 ounces apple cider
  • 1-inch strip of orange peel
  • 1 spiced tea bag (I used Harney and Sons Hot Cinnamon)
  • 1-ounce bourbon
  • a few dashes of aromatic bitters
  • ¼ cup heavy whipping cream
  • orange peel twist
  • cinnamon sugar for the rim (optional)


  • In a saucepan or measuring glass, heat the apple cider until hot (but not boiling). Fold the orange peel in half, to release the oils, and place in the hot apple cider, along with the tea and steep for about 4 minutes. While the tea steeps, place the cream and a dash or two of bitters into a jar and seal with a lid. Shake the jar until the cream has just thickened. Wet the edge of your mug and spread a few tablespoons of cinnamon sugar on a plate. Dip the rim of the mug into the cinnamon sugar. Stir the bourbon and a dash of bitters into the apple cider, pour into a mug and top with the whipped cream and orange twist.
  • To make the twist, I coiled a small strip of orange zest around the tapered end of a chopstick and firmly held it in place for about a minute to hold the coil.


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Spiced Cider Toddy

  • Produce

    • 1 1-inch strip Orange peel
    • 1 Orange peel, twist
    • 1 Spiced tea bag
  • Baking & Spices

    • 1 Cinnamon sugar
  • Drinks

    • 6 oz Apple cider
  • Dairy

    • 1/4 cup Heavy whipping cream
  • Beer, Wine & Liquor

    • 3 dashes Aromatic bitters
    • 1 oz Bourbon

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Found on hungrygirlporvida.com