Sweet Tea

Sweet Tea

Sweet Tea

Sweet Tea


  • Vegan
  • Gluten free


  • Produce

    • 10 Black tea bags
  • Baking & Spices

    • 1 1/2 cups Granulated sugar
  • Liquids

    • 16 cups Water

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  • 16 cups of water
  • 10 black tea bags
  • 1&1/2 cups of granulated sugar


  • Using a medium saucepan, boil half of the water Remove from heat and add the tea bags Submerge the bags and let them brew for about 5 minutes While removing the tea bags, use 2 spoons to squeeze the liquid out of the bags and into the pot of tea (Place bags on a spoon and use the back of another spoon to apply pressure to the bags) Add the sugar and stir until dissolved You have your sweet tea base Add the base to a pitcher Add the remaining water and refrigerate until cold


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Homemade Sweet Tea Popsicles and Sweet Tea Recipe


Homemade Sweet Tea Popsicles & Sweet Tea Recipe - Homemade Sweet Tea Popsicles & recipe for the Ultimate Sweet Tea! - KidFriendlyThingsToDo.com

Sweet Tea

  • Produce

    • 10 Black tea bags
  • Baking & Spices

    • 1 1/2 cups Granulated sugar
  • Liquids

    • 16 cups Water

The first person this recipe



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Found on kidfriendlythingstodo.com

Kid Friendly Things to Do.com - Family Recipes, Crafts, and Fun Foods

Homemade Sweet Tea Popsicles and Sweet Tea Recipe

Homemade Sweet Tea Popsicles & Sweet Tea Recipe - Homemade Sweet Tea Popsicles & recipe for the Ultimate Sweet Tea! - KidFriendlyThingsToDo.com