Sweetheart Punch

Sweetheart Punch

Sweetheart Punch

Sweetheart Punch


  • Drinks

    • 64 Once container of v8 strawberry lemonade or strawberry lemonade
  • Frozen

    • 1 1 1/2 quart container Raspberry or strawberry sherbet
  • Other

    • 1 liter Sierra mist or sprite

Found on



539 0

Sweetheart Punch - Made To Be A Momma


This sweetheart punch is perfect for any Valentine meal.  The color of this punch is super festive and the raspberry sherbet takes it over the top.  Putting the drink in mason jars adds a fun touch.  My husband and I don’t normally celebrate Valentines day by going out but we do have a more casual …

Sweetheart Punch

  • Drinks

    • 64 Once container of v8 strawberry lemonade or strawberry lemonade
  • Frozen

    • 1 1 1/2 quart container Raspberry or strawberry sherbet
  • Other

    • 1 liter Sierra mist or sprite

The first person this recipe



539 0

Found on madetobeamomma.com

Made To Be A Momma

Sweetheart Punch - Made To Be A Momma

This sweetheart punch is perfect for any Valentine meal.  The color of this punch is super festive and the raspberry sherbet takes it over the top.  Putting the drink in mason jars adds a fun touch.  My husband and I don’t normally celebrate Valentines day by going out but we do have a more casual …