Vegan ginger cheesecakes (oil-free

Vegan ginger cheesecakes (oil-free

  • Prepare: 15M
  • Cook: 30M
Vegan ginger cheesecakes (oil-free

Vegan ginger cheesecakes (oil-free


  • Produce

    • 30 g Candied ginger
    • 12 Dates
    • 1 tsp Ginger
  • Canned Goods

    • 1/2 cup Coconut cream
  • Condiments

    • 4 tbsp Lemon juice
    • 4 tbsp Maple syrup
  • Baking & Spices

    • 3 1/2 level tsp Agar agar flakes
    • 1 Chocolate shavings
    • 2 pinches Salt
  • Nuts & Seeds

    • 3/4 cup Almonds
    • 1 cup Cashews, raw
  • Other

    • ½ cup water OR aquafaba*
  • Time
  • Prepare: 15M
  • Cook: 30M

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A food blog from sunny Greece with plant-based recipes


  • Cut out 8 circles out of baking paper to cover the bottom of the mould you are going to use for the cheesecakes (I used a standard 12-hole muffin tin). Line the bottoms of the mould with paper circles. I recommend you also place a 1 inch / 2 cm wide paper strip under each cheesecake base as it will make removing these puppies much easier.CHEESECAKE BASEGrind your almonds in a food processor until you get a coarse crumb. Take them out of the food processor and set aside.Drain your dates and chop them roughly. My food processor struggled to process an amount of dates this small so I actually turned them into a paste (doesn’t have to be super smooth) in my pestle and mortar. If you prefer using a food processor, I would advise doubling the amount of dates and saving the other half for another use.In a bowl, mix date paste with enough ground almonds to obtain a dough that isn’t too sticky yet still holds together well. I prefer doing it by hand but you could also just dump your ground almonds back into the food processor if you’ve used it to blend your dates.Mould cheesecake base mixture at the bottom of each muffin hole. Press it down well with your fingers so that there are no gaps / air-bubbles.CHEESECAKEJust before you are ready to start blending the cheesecake, put agar flakes, ½ cup of water (or aquafaba for a slightly creamier end result) into a small pot. Let the mixture come to the boil and simmer on low-medium heat, stirring frequently, until flakes dissolve and the mixture becomes like a runny jelly. You’ll need to work fast as agar sets as soon as it cools down.Chuck rinsed cashews, coconut cream, lemon juice, maple syrup, grated ginger and warm agar mixture into a blender – you’ll need to work fast as agar sets as soon as it cools down. Blend, scraping the sides of the blender from time to time as the set agar likes to stay on those. Blend until completely smooth.As soon as the cheesecake mixture is super smooth, start dividing it between the moulds. You may need to smooth the tops with a silicone spatula to get an even finish. Decorate each cheesecake with candied ginger and chocolate shavings.You don’t need to put these cheesecakes into the freezer as they will set beautifully at room temperature. To remove cheesecakes from the moulds, grab both ends the paper strip and slowly ease the cheesecake out of the mould.
  • Serves: makes: 8 mini cheesecakes
  • Prepare: prep: 15 min
  • Cook Time: cooking: 30 min

329 3

Vegan ginger cheesecakes (oil-free - Lazy Cat Kitchen


My vegan ginger cheesecakes are smooth and creamy without the use of coconut oil. They are easy to make and no one would ever guess the are dairy-free.

Vegan ginger cheesecakes (oil-free

  • Produce

    • 30 g Candied ginger
    • 12 Dates
    • 1 tsp Ginger
  • Canned Goods

    • 1/2 cup Coconut cream
  • Condiments

    • 4 tbsp Lemon juice
    • 4 tbsp Maple syrup
  • Baking & Spices

    • 3 1/2 level tsp Agar agar flakes
    • 1 Chocolate shavings
    • 2 pinches Salt
  • Nuts & Seeds

    • 3/4 cup Almonds
    • 1 cup Cashews, raw
  • Other

    • ½ cup water OR aquafaba*

The first person this recipe

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Lazy Cat Kitchen

Vegan ginger cheesecakes (oil-free - Lazy Cat Kitchen

My vegan ginger cheesecakes are smooth and creamy without the use of coconut oil. They are easy to make and no one would ever guess the are dairy-free.