Wine Jelly

Wine Jelly

  • Cook: 30M
  • Total: 30M
Wine Jelly

Wine Jelly


  • Vegan
  • Gluten free


  • Baking & Spices

    • 1 bottle Liquid pectin
    • 6 cups Sugar
  • Beer, Wine & Liquor

    • 4 cups Red wine
  • Time
  • Cook: 30M
  • Total: 30M

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Wine Jelly Recipe -


This is a variation from another of my favorite cookbooks, The Encyclopedia of Creative Cooking edited by Charlotte Turgeon. The original recipe calls for Burgundy wine. Ive made it with Cabernet Sauvignon and Zinfandel. Ive also made it with a white wine, and it works just as well. This is another of those county fair blue ribbon winners. ****Important Note - Im assuming here that you know how to sterilize and prepare jars and lids for canning/jelly/jam making, so this is not included here. Im also guesstimating on the time, as its been a while since Ive made it. Use times as guidelines, not gospel. The idea is to cook out as little of the alcohol content of the wine as possible. The yield may also vary, again because its been a while, but I seem to remember making 6 to 8 pint jars though.

Wine Jelly

  • Baking & Spices

    • 1 bottle Liquid pectin
    • 6 cups Sugar
  • Beer, Wine & Liquor

    • 4 cups Red wine

The first person this recipe

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Wine Jelly Recipe -

This is a variation from another of my favorite cookbooks, The Encyclopedia of Creative Cooking edited by Charlotte Turgeon. The original recipe calls for Burgundy wine. Ive made it with Cabernet Sauvignon and Zinfandel. Ive also made it with a white wine, and it works just as well. This is another of those county fair blue ribbon winners. ****Important Note - Im assuming here that you know how to sterilize and prepare jars and lids for canning/jelly/jam making, so this is not included here. Im also guesstimating on the time, as its been a while since Ive made it. Use times as guidelines, not gospel. The idea is to cook out as little of the alcohol content of the wine as possible. The yield may also vary, again because its been a while, but I seem to remember making 6 to 8 pint jars though.