Candy Cane Reindeer Pops

Candy Cane Reindeer Pops

  • Prepare: 20M
  • Cook: 2M
  • Total: 22M
Candy Cane Reindeer Pops

Candy Cane Reindeer Pops


  • Gluten free


  • Baking & Spices

    • 2/3 cup Milk chocolate chips
  • Oils & Vinegars

    • 1 tsp Canola or vegetable oil
  • Desserts

    • 16 Candy canes, mini
    • 16 Candy eyes
    • 1 Lollipop sticks
    • 8 Peppermint m&m candies, red
  • Time
  • Prepare: 20M
  • Cook: 2M
  • Total: 22M

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Minnesota Family Lifestyle Blog: Explore the Everyday Joys of Motherhood

Emilie is a mom of three boys ages 9, 8 and 3. She loves to share recipes and crafts along with stories about parenting, travel and awesome products. Favorite activities include watching football, cuddling with kids and spending time in the kitchen. Not a fan of laundry, nagging, or drama. Join her here and on her dessert blog, where she shares her love of baking!


  • 16 mini candy canes
  • ⅔ cup milk chocolate chips
  • 1 teaspoon canola or vegetable oil
  • 8 red peppermint M&M candies (or your favorite variety of M&M)
  • 16 candy eyes
  • lollipop sticks


  • Line large baking sheet with silicone baking sheet, parchment paper or foil.
  • Lay candy canes in a heart shape around lollipop stick, with the stick coming up halfway into the bottom of the heart.
  • Melt milk chocolate and oil in microwave, just until melted and stirring often.
  • Add chocolate into a zipper baggie, snipping off end. Fill candy cane hearts with chocolate, including the lollipop stick.(You can also just use a small spoon instead if preferred).
  • Let dry slightly. Add candy eyes to the middle of the heart and M&M candy to bottom of the heart.
  • Let dry completely.
  • Store in an airtight container.
  • Serves: 8
  • Prepare: 20 mins
  • Cook Time: 2 mins
  • TotalTime:

656 32

Candy Cane Reindeer Pops - Finding Zest


These no-bake Candy Cane Reindeer Pops are a fun holiday treat. They are easy and a great homemade food gift that kids can help you make!

Candy Cane Reindeer Pops

  • Baking & Spices

    • 2/3 cup Milk chocolate chips
  • Oils & Vinegars

    • 1 tsp Canola or vegetable oil
  • Desserts

    • 16 Candy canes, mini
    • 16 Candy eyes
    • 1 Lollipop sticks
    • 8 Peppermint m&m candies, red

The first person this recipe

656 32

Found on

Finding Zest

Candy Cane Reindeer Pops - Finding Zest

These no-bake Candy Cane Reindeer Pops are a fun holiday treat. They are easy and a great homemade food gift that kids can help you make!