Cranberry Lime Sparkler

Cranberry Lime Sparkler

  • Prepare: 5M
  • Total: 5M
Cranberry Lime Sparkler

Cranberry Lime Sparkler


  • Vegan
  • Gluten free


  • Condiments

    • 1 Lime juice, fresh
  • Baking & Spices

    • 1 Sugar
  • Frozen

    • 1 Ice
  • Liquids

    • 1 Equal parts cranberry juice to perrier water
  • Time
  • Prepare: 5M
  • Total: 5M

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  • Mix cranberry juice with perrier water. Dip rim of glasses into lime juice and then into sugar. Fill glass with ice. Pour in drink and top with fresh lime juice to taste.
  • Prepare: 5 min
  • TotalTime:

238 0

Cranberry Lime Sparkler + Le Creuset Giveaway!


For those of you who have been reading this blog for a while now will know that I don't usually post drink recipes--and when I do, they're few and far in between. Well, since getting pregnant and living off of carbonated water to settle my stomach for the first 17 weeks, I've come to learn how to 'jazz it up'. This is a recipe that I'm sure a lot of you do this time of the year with Cranberry juice, fresh lime juice and carbonated water--like perrier or pellagrino. It's served over ice and totally hits the spot for me

Cranberry Lime Sparkler

  • Condiments

    • 1 Lime juice, fresh
  • Baking & Spices

    • 1 Sugar
  • Frozen

    • 1 Ice
  • Liquids

    • 1 Equal parts cranberry juice to perrier water

The first person this recipe

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Lauren's Latest

Cranberry Lime Sparkler + Le Creuset Giveaway!

For those of you who have been reading this blog for a while now will know that I don't usually post drink recipes--and when I do, they're few and far in between. Well, since getting pregnant and living off of carbonated water to settle my stomach for the first 17 weeks, I've come to learn how to 'jazz it up'. This is a recipe that I'm sure a lot of you do this time of the year with Cranberry juice, fresh lime juice and carbonated water--like perrier or pellagrino. It's served over ice and totally hits the spot for me