DIY Book Flowers

DIY Book Flowers

DIY Book Flowers

DIY Book Flowers


  • Desserts

    • 1 Lollipop
  • Other

    • book pages or scrapbook paper, cut into 4-inch squares (or larger
    • floral tape
    • mod podge (or other glue
    • ruler
    • scissors

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healthy recipes and the occasional craft


  • book pages or scrapbook paper, cut into 4-inch squares (or larger)
  • ruler
  • scissors
  • mod podge (or other glue)
  • lollipop sticks (or floral wire folded in half with a bead in the middle to secure it)
  • floral tape


  • Follow along with the pictures above (written directions in line with the numbers on the picture):
  • 1. Start with 3 book page squares, at least 4 inches across. You can make these bigger if you would like, but I wouldnt go much smaller, as it gets harder to fold.
  • 2. Fold each square in half, making a triangle.
  • 3. Fold each piece in half again.
  • 4. Fold each piece in half again!
  • 5. Snip off folded corner at the bottom so it will create a SMALL hole that you can put the stem through. Cut the top (the open part) into a rounded petal shape. It will look like half a heart. Repeat with each piece!
  • 6. Unfold the petals.
  • 7. Cut out ONE section (a section is each little half heart shape traced by the folds) from the FIRST petal only.
  • 8. Cut out a chunk of TWO sections from the SECOND petal only.
  • 9. Cut out a chunk of THREE sections from the THIRD petal only. Save each of these cut out pieces -- they will create the center of the flower!
  • 10. Starting with the smallest cut out piece, roll it into a cone shape and glue the edges together.
  • 11. Roll the second cut out piece and glue the edges together, just slightly overlapped.
  • 12. Continue creating the cone shape with the third cut out piece, gluing the edges together.
  • 13, 14, 15. For the larger petals, apply glue to one whole folded section of petal, and glue together by overlapping with another whole folded section, starting with the smallest of the petals (the one you cut three sections out of). Repeat with the other two petal sections that you cut two and one section from, respectively. You will end up with 4 folded sections (petals) visible on the smallest petal shape, 5 on the middle shape, and 6 on the largest.
  • Using your lollipop stick, gently roll over the edges to give them appearance of blossoming.
  • 16. Either using a lollipop stick or a piece of flower wire folded in half with a bead placed in the center, start assembling your flower! Begin with the smallest center piece, placing a dot of glue into the center and pushing the stick through the hole.
  • 17. Apply glue to the outside of the layer you just put on the stick, and slide the 2-petal cone onto the stick, lightly pinching until the glue has set.
  • 18, 19, 20, 21. Repeat step 17 by applying glue to the previous layer, and sliding the next layer on, always adding the next size up with each layer.
  • 22. Once all layers are glued on, wrap the stem with floral tape to make it look complete (this is optional).
  • All done!! Repeat steps to create more flowers.

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DIY Book Flowers | cooking ala mel


These DIY book flowers are perfect for weddings, showers, parties, or just for decorating your home!

DIY Book Flowers

  • Desserts

    • 1 Lollipop
  • Other

    • book pages or scrapbook paper, cut into 4-inch squares (or larger
    • floral tape
    • mod podge (or other glue
    • ruler
    • scissors

The first person this recipe

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cooking ala mel

DIY Book Flowers | cooking ala mel

These DIY book flowers are perfect for weddings, showers, parties, or just for decorating your home!