Grinch Jars

Grinch Jars

Grinch Jars

Grinch Jars


  • Meat

    • 1 Heart-shaped buttons, Red
  • Desserts

    • 1 Mint m&m's
  • Tools & Equipment

    • 1 Mason jars
  • Other

    • Hot glue gun + glue
    • Red Ribbon

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Simple, healthy recipes without sacrificing taste!


  • Fill as many mason jars as you want with the mint-flavored M&Ms. 1 bag of Mint M&Ms fills an 8-ounce jar about 3/4ths the way full so I use about 3 bags per 2 8-ounce mason jars.
  • (To cut down on cost if you are making a lot use smaller mason jars or a less expensive green-colored candy)
  • Tie a festive red ribbon around the top of the mason jar.
  • Using hot glue and a hot glue gun, glue the heart button to the right side of the jar (right from where the tie of the ribbon ends up.)
  • Fill as many mason jars as you want with a red candy of choice.
  • Cut a black ribbon the width of the jar and then thread on a belt-buckle
  • I found the belt buckles at a craft store
  • Tie a festive red ribbon around the top of the mason jar.
  • Using hot glue and a hot glue gun, glue the heart button to the right side of the jar (right from where the tie of the ribbon ends up.)
  • Fill the mason jar with chocolate-covered pretzels.
  • Use 1 pipe cleaner to circle around the top of the jar.
  • Use 2 other pipe cleaners to form the shape of antlers. Attach each antler to the side of the jar by bending around the circled pipe cleaner. Use hot glue to get the antlers to stay put.
  • Using hot glue, glue on the eyes and a red pom-pom for the nose.
  • Fill the mason jar with chocolate-covered pretzels.
  • Fold the pipe cleaner in half and hot glue each end to one of the sides of the jar.
  • Hot glue the red pom-poms to each end of the glued-on pipe cleaner.
  • Glue 2 large black buttons in the front and center of the jar.

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Christmas Mason Jar Gift Ideas - Chelsea's Messy Apron


Four easy and creative mason jar treat gift ideas. A grinch jar, santa jar, reindeer jar, and snowman jar! Video Tutorial Included

Grinch Jars

  • Meat

    • 1 Heart-shaped buttons, Red
  • Desserts

    • 1 Mint m&m's
  • Tools & Equipment

    • 1 Mason jars
  • Other

    • Hot glue gun + glue
    • Red Ribbon

The first person this recipe

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Chelsea's Messy Apron

Christmas Mason Jar Gift Ideas - Chelsea's Messy Apron

Four easy and creative mason jar treat gift ideas. A grinch jar, santa jar, reindeer jar, and snowman jar! Video Tutorial Included