Iced coffee bubble tea

Iced coffee bubble tea

  • Serves: 1 serving
Iced coffee bubble tea

Iced coffee bubble tea


  • Vegetarian
  • Gluten free


  • Condiments

    • 2 tbsp Honey
  • Baking & Spices

    • 1/2 cup Tapioca pearls, black
  • Drinks

    • 3/4 cup Coffee
  • Dairy

    • 1/3 cup Milk
  • Frozen

    • 1/4 cup Ice cubes

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a delicious food blog featuring cooking recipes with pictures


  • Cook the tapioca pearls according to package instructions. After cooking, drain and add the tapioca to cold water for half a minute. Then drain and add the tapioca to a bowl with honey, lightly stirring.
  • Prepare a 16 ounce or larger glass. Add ice cubes. Pour in coffee followed by milk. Scoop tapioca pearls into the drink, including any remaining honey. Insert a thick straw and give a quick stir. Drink immediately.


Serving Size: 16-ounce drink
  • Serves: 1 serving

151 8

Iced coffee bubble tea recipe - savory tooth


Easy make-at-home recipe for iced coffee bubble tea (boba! All you need are a few ingredients and supplies, and you can customize with your own flavors.

Iced coffee bubble tea

  • Condiments

    • 2 tbsp Honey
  • Baking & Spices

    • 1/2 cup Tapioca pearls, black
  • Drinks

    • 3/4 cup Coffee
  • Dairy

    • 1/3 cup Milk
  • Frozen

    • 1/4 cup Ice cubes

The first person this recipe

151 8

Found on

savory tooth

Iced coffee bubble tea recipe - savory tooth

Easy make-at-home recipe for iced coffee bubble tea (boba! All you need are a few ingredients and supplies, and you can customize with your own flavors.