Marbleized Bark

Marbleized Bark

Marbleized Bark

Marbleized Bark


  • Baking & Spices

    • 1 12 ounce bag White chocolate chips
  • Oils & Vinegars

    • 1 Coconut oil
  • Snacks

    • 1/4 cup Colors of candy melt wafers, assorted

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  • Put the white chocolate chips into a microwave safe bowl or measuring cup.
  • Put each color of candy melt into a separate little cup or baggie. I added a small dab (about 1/4 tsp) of coconut oil to each color which helps make it more fluid for swirling.
  • The goal here is to melt everything so it is all smooth and molten at the same time. I first microwave the white chocolate for a minute, then set aside. I put the colored chocolate in for about 30 seconds each and stir or squeeze the baggies to melt completely. Put back anything that hasnt completely melted into the microwave for a few seconds at a time. Dont overheat or the chocolate can seize up.
  • When everything is melted and smooth, pour the white chocolate out onto a parchment lined baking sheet, and spread it out to a rectangle about the size of a piece of paper, or a little larger.
  • Drop, drizzle, or squirt the colored chocolate on top of the white. If you are using baggies you will need to snip a small hole in the corner of each. Add as much or as little as you like, the effects will vary. I dropped some in dots, and drizzled others.
  • Take a chopstick or other similar implement and pull it through the surface of the bark, swirling all over. Dont forget to get all the edges. You can swirl a lot or a little.
  • Put the whole tray into the fridge to firm up.
  • When the chocolate is completely hardened, (give it an hour and then check,) cut it into pieces with a heavy knife.
  • Store at room temperature or in the refrigerator.

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Marbleized Chocolate Bark | The View from Great Island


Marbleized Chocolate Bark -- it's kind of like finger painting in the kitchen, but you get something delicious to eat when it's all done!

Marbleized Bark

  • Baking & Spices

    • 1 12 ounce bag White chocolate chips
  • Oils & Vinegars

    • 1 Coconut oil
  • Snacks

    • 1/4 cup Colors of candy melt wafers, assorted

The first person this recipe

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The View from Great Island

Marbleized Chocolate Bark | The View from Great Island

Marbleized Chocolate Bark -- it's kind of like finger painting in the kitchen, but you get something delicious to eat when it's all done!