Meatball Appetizers

Meatball Appetizers

Meatball Appetizers

Meatball Appetizers


  • Produce

    • 5 oz Cacique queso quesadilla jalapeno
    • 1 tbsp Parsley, fresh
  • Condiments

    • 1/2 cup Garlic spaghetti sauce
  • Baking & Spices

    • 2 (8 ounce cans Crescent dough
    • 1 Flour
  • Frozen

    • 16 Meatballs, frozen

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6412 346

Meatball Appetizers - TGIF - This Grandma is Fun


Happy New Year! Today is that space between Christmas and New Years where you don’t know what day it is, who you are or what you’re doing. Yeah, I’m there! All five of our kids are home for Christmas break this year (including my two darling granddaughters 2 1/2 years old and four months old. Our... Read More

Meatball Appetizers

  • Produce

    • 5 oz Cacique queso quesadilla jalapeno
    • 1 tbsp Parsley, fresh
  • Condiments

    • 1/2 cup Garlic spaghetti sauce
  • Baking & Spices

    • 2 (8 ounce cans Crescent dough
    • 1 Flour
  • Frozen

    • 16 Meatballs, frozen

The first person this recipe

6412 346

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TGIF - This Grandma is Fun

Meatball Appetizers - TGIF - This Grandma is Fun

Happy New Year! Today is that space between Christmas and New Years where you don’t know what day it is, who you are or what you’re doing. Yeah, I’m there! All five of our kids are home for Christmas break this year (including my two darling granddaughters 2 1/2 years old and four months old. Our... Read More