Vanilla Hazelnut Coffee Melt and Pour Soap

Vanilla Hazelnut Coffee Melt and Pour Soap

  • Total: 30M
Vanilla Hazelnut Coffee Melt and Pour Soap

Vanilla Hazelnut Coffee Melt and Pour Soap


  • Baking & Spices

    • 10 drops Vanilla fragrance
  • Drinks

    • 3 tbsp Hazelnut coffee (substitute your favorite coffee , Ground
  • Other

    • 1 lb Goats milk melt and pour soap base (subistute your favorite soap base
  • Time
  • Total: 30M

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513 31

Vanilla Hazelnut Coffee Melt and Pour Soap Recipe


Vanilla Hazelnut Coffee Soap Recipe Vanilla Hazelnut Coffee Soap In honor of the new soap section of the H&P Artistry Etsy Shop I decided to share one of my favorite melt and Pour Soap recipes with you. The Vanilla Hazelnut Coffee Soap Recipe is simple and you can get the basic Melt and Pour Soap …

Vanilla Hazelnut Coffee Melt and Pour Soap

  • Baking & Spices

    • 10 drops Vanilla fragrance
  • Drinks

    • 3 tbsp Hazelnut coffee (substitute your favorite coffee , Ground
  • Other

    • 1 lb Goats milk melt and pour soap base (subistute your favorite soap base

The first person this recipe

513 31

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H and P Artistry

Vanilla Hazelnut Coffee Melt and Pour Soap Recipe

Vanilla Hazelnut Coffee Soap Recipe Vanilla Hazelnut Coffee Soap In honor of the new soap section of the H&P Artistry Etsy Shop I decided to share one of my favorite melt and Pour Soap recipes with you. The Vanilla Hazelnut Coffee Soap Recipe is simple and you can get the basic Melt and Pour Soap …