Wreath Chocolate Covered Oreos

Wreath Chocolate Covered Oreos

  • Serves: 36 Cookies
Wreath Chocolate Covered Oreos

Wreath Chocolate Covered Oreos


  • Vegetarian


  • Oils & Vinegars

    • 1 tsp Olive oil
  • Snacks

    • 1 Package Oreos
    • 3 cups White chocolate wafers
  • Desserts

    • 1 M&ms, Mini Red and Green

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Our lives, living in controlled chaos. Raising kids & coping with tragedy

Yummy and fun Wreath Chocolate Covered Oreos


  • Melt your white chocolate wafers as directed on the package. Microwave route is the easiest
  • Once chocolate is melted, dip an Oreo in and get it covered in chocolate. If the consistency is too thick add 1 tsp of olive oil to chocolate (stirring well) to make it thinner.
  • Gently shake off the excess chocolate.
  • Place Oreo on some waxed paper.
  • Take two red M&Ms and place them in a V shape in the center on their sides.
  • Then take green M&Ms and lay them flat around the edge all the way around, to resemble a wreath.
  • Repeat steps till you have reached your desired amount of Oreos. When making a bunch you will notice the chocolate begins to harden. Quickly heat back up in the microwave periodically for 20 seconds or so.
  • Serves: 36 Cookies


257 3

Wreath Chocolate Covered Oreos


Looking for an adorable, affordable and easy holiday treat to make? Try these fabulous Wreath Chocolate Covered Oreos, Kids will love them!!!

Wreath Chocolate Covered Oreos

  • Oils & Vinegars

    • 1 tsp Olive oil
  • Snacks

    • 1 Package Oreos
    • 3 cups White chocolate wafers
  • Desserts

    • 1 M&ms, Mini Red and Green

The first person this recipe



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Found on heartbeatssoulstains.com

Heartbeats~ Soul Stains

Wreath Chocolate Covered Oreos

Looking for an adorable, affordable and easy holiday treat to make? Try these fabulous Wreath Chocolate Covered Oreos, Kids will love them!!!