Blackberry Sweet Tea

Blackberry Sweet Tea

Blackberry Sweet Tea

Blackberry Sweet Tea


  • Vegan
  • Gluten free


  • Produce

    • 1 cup Blackberries
    • 1 Lemon
  • Baking & Spices

    • 3/4 cup Granulated sugar
  • Liquids

    • 6 cups Water

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Porch sitting is one of our favorite past-times here on Chincoteague Island. There is nothing that I enjoy more than sitting on our front porch, enjoying a cold glass of iced tea, and watching the world go by. I always brew my own, using those big family-style tea bags. Making a pitcher of sweet tea is always on my “to-do” list for the afternoon. Also with making my own, I can control the sugar. So many sweet teas are just so cloyingly sweet, they hurt your teeth. And, homey don’t play that. I also like to switch it up with flavored tea bags (the mango black tea from Trader Joe’s is amazing!), or if delicious fruit is in season – some fresh fruit puree. One of my favorite places to eat here on the island (the lovely Sea Star Cafe) has a different flavored tea on the menu everyday, and I love that…I always look forward to seeing what new flavor combo is on the menu that day! I had some blackberries hanging out that needed to be used, so I gave them a quick blitz in the food processor and dumped it right into the tea. If seeds bother you, feel free to strain them out…but I love seeing the fruity pulp and seeds in the tea, let’s you know it’s the real deal!  Print Blackberry Sweet Tea 3 family-size tea bags (or 10 regular) 6 cups water 3/4 cup granulated sugar 1 cup blackberries sliced lemon, for garnish fresh mint, for garnish Bring 4 cups of water to boil in a large saucepan. Once you have a rolling boil, dunk in the tea bags a few times to get wet, and remove from heat. Let tea bags steep 1 hour. Remove tea bags and pour in sugar, stirring well until dissolved. Pour into a glass pitcher, and add remaining water. Puree blackberries and add them to the tea, stirring to combine. Serve in glasses filled with ice, and garnish with a slice of lemon and a sprig of mint.


  • 3 family-size tea bags (or 10 regular)
  • 6 cups water
  • 3/4 cup granulated sugar
  • 1 cup blackberries
  • sliced lemon, for garnish

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Blackberry Sweet Tea


Porch sitting is one of our favorite past-times here on Chincoteague Island. There is nothing that I enjoy more than sitting on our front porch, enjoying a cold glass of iced tea, and watching the world go by. I always brew my own, using those big family-style tea bags. Making a pitcher of sweet tea is always on my “to-do” list for the afternoon. Also with making my own, I can control the sugar. So many sweet teas are just so cloyingly sweet, they hurt your teeth. And, homey don’t play that. I also like to switch it up with flavored tea bags (the mango black tea from Trader Joe’s is amazing!, or if delicious fruit is in season – some fresh fruit puree. One of my favorite places to eat here on the island (the lovely Sea Star Cafe has a different flavored tea on the menu everyday, and I love that…I always look forward to seeing what new flavor combo is on the menu that day! I had some blackberries hanging out that needed to be used, so I gave them a quick blitz in the food processor and dumped it right into the tea. If seeds bother you, feel free to strain them out…but I love seeing the fruity pulp and seeds in the tea, let’s you know it’s the real deal!  Print Blackberry Sweet Tea 3 family-size tea bags (or 10 regular 6 cups water 3/4 cup granulated sugar 1 cup blackberries sliced lemon, for garnish fresh mint, for garnish Bring 4 cups of water to boil in a large saucepan. Once you have a rolling boil, dunk in the tea bags a few times to get wet, and remove from heat. Let tea bags steep 1 hour. Remove tea bags and pour in sugar, stirring well until dissolved. Pour into a glass pitcher, and add remaining water. Puree blackberries and add them to the tea, stirring to combine. Serve in glasses filled with ice, and garnish with a slice of lemon and a sprig of mint.

Blackberry Sweet Tea

  • Produce

    • 1 cup Blackberries
    • 1 Lemon
  • Baking & Spices

    • 3/4 cup Granulated sugar
  • Liquids

    • 6 cups Water

The first person this recipe

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Tide and Thyme

Blackberry Sweet Tea

Porch sitting is one of our favorite past-times here on Chincoteague Island. There is nothing that I enjoy more than sitting on our front porch, enjoying a cold glass of iced tea, and watching the world go by. I always brew my own, using those big family-style tea bags. Making a pitcher of sweet tea is always on my “to-do” list for the afternoon. Also with making my own, I can control the sugar. So many sweet teas are just so cloyingly sweet, they hurt your teeth. And, homey don’t play that. I also like to switch it up with flavored tea bags (the mango black tea from Trader Joe’s is amazing!, or if delicious fruit is in season – some fresh fruit puree. One of my favorite places to eat here on the island (the lovely Sea Star Cafe has a different flavored tea on the menu everyday, and I love that…I always look forward to seeing what new flavor combo is on the menu that day! I had some blackberries hanging out that needed to be used, so I gave them a quick blitz in the food processor and dumped it right into the tea. If seeds bother you, feel free to strain them out…but I love seeing the fruity pulp and seeds in the tea, let’s you know it’s the real deal!  Print Blackberry Sweet Tea 3 family-size tea bags (or 10 regular 6 cups water 3/4 cup granulated sugar 1 cup blackberries sliced lemon, for garnish fresh mint, for garnish Bring 4 cups of water to boil in a large saucepan. Once you have a rolling boil, dunk in the tea bags a few times to get wet, and remove from heat. Let tea bags steep 1 hour. Remove tea bags and pour in sugar, stirring well until dissolved. Pour into a glass pitcher, and add remaining water. Puree blackberries and add them to the tea, stirring to combine. Serve in glasses filled with ice, and garnish with a slice of lemon and a sprig of mint.