Onglet steak with biryani spices

Onglet steak with biryani spices

  • Serves: 4
  • Prepare: 20 minutes
  • Cook Time: 10 minutes
Onglet steak with biryani spices

Onglet steak with biryani spices


  • Meat

    • 250 g Onglet/hanger steak
  • Produce

    • 1 tbsp Chilli, roasted powder
    • 2 Chillies, red
    • 1 tbsp Dehydrated grapefruit
    • 1 tbsp Dehydrated tomato, powder
    • 1 tbsp French shallots
    • 2 Garlic cloves
    • 1 tbsp Mandarin, freeze-dried powder
  • Condiments

    • 125 ml Soy sauce
  • Baking & Spices

    • 1 Basting mix
    • 1 Biryani spices
    • 1 tbsp Cardamom pods
    • 1 tbsp Coriander seeds
    • 1 tbsp Madras curry powder
    • 1 Sea salt
    • 1 tbsp Star anise
    • 1 pinch Sugar
  • Other

    • pap (recipe here
    • sheba

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“Onglet steak is also known as hanger steak (or butcher’s steak). It’s generally cooked medium-rare to stay juicy and at its best. Duncan’s spicing is superb and worth the effort to source the ingredients. The idea is to take this dry spice rub and to press it well into the steak. It’s exciting to see new ingredients and methods from a country that prides itself on cooking with fire.” Maeve O'Meara, Food Safari Fire


  • To make the biryani spices, roughly crush the cardamom pods and star anise in a mortar and pestle. Add the dehydrated citrus zest and coriander seeds and continue to pound. Add the roasted chilli powder, curry powder and tomato powder. Add the mandarin powder, pound again and finally add the shallots.
  • Trim the excess fat and sinew from the steak.
  • Season generously with salt and coat well in biryani spices, pressing well to adhere.
  • Cover and leave to marinate for 2½–3 hours at room temperature.
  • For the basting mix, combine the soy sauce, sugar, chillies and garlic in a small bowl and set aside.
  • Over a hot charcoal grill, caramelise the steak on all sides, turning and basting every few minutes for about 6–8 minutes until medium-rare.
  • Rest for 5 minutes before serving with sheba and pap.
  • Food Safari Fire starts Thursday 7 January 2016 at 8pm on SBS. Visit the program page for recipes, videos and more.
  • Read our interview with Duncan Welgemoed here.
  • Serves: 4
  • Prepare: 20 minutes
  • Cook Time: 10 minutes

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Onglet steak with biryani spices


“Onglet steak is also known as hanger steak (or butcher’s steak. It’s generally cooked medium-rare to stay juicy and at its best. Duncan’s spicing is superb and worth the effort to source the ingredients. The idea is to take this dry spice rub and to press it well into the steak. It’s exciting to see new ingredients and methods from a country that prides itself on cooking with fire.” Maeve O'Meara, Food Safari Fire

Onglet steak with biryani spices

  • Meat

    • 250 g Onglet/hanger steak
  • Produce

    • 1 tbsp Chilli, roasted powder
    • 2 Chillies, red
    • 1 tbsp Dehydrated grapefruit
    • 1 tbsp Dehydrated tomato, powder
    • 1 tbsp French shallots
    • 2 Garlic cloves
    • 1 tbsp Mandarin, freeze-dried powder
  • Condiments

    • 125 ml Soy sauce
  • Baking & Spices

    • 1 Basting mix
    • 1 Biryani spices
    • 1 tbsp Cardamom pods
    • 1 tbsp Coriander seeds
    • 1 tbsp Madras curry powder
    • 1 Sea salt
    • 1 tbsp Star anise
    • 1 pinch Sugar
  • Other

    • pap (recipe here
    • sheba

The first person this recipe

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Nonna's Cooking

Onglet steak with biryani spices

“Onglet steak is also known as hanger steak (or butcher’s steak. It’s generally cooked medium-rare to stay juicy and at its best. Duncan’s spicing is superb and worth the effort to source the ingredients. The idea is to take this dry spice rub and to press it well into the steak. It’s exciting to see new ingredients and methods from a country that prides itself on cooking with fire.” Maeve O'Meara, Food Safari Fire