Sweet Potato, Orange & Pineapple Puree

Sweet Potato, Orange & Pineapple Puree

  • Prepare: 1 hr
  • Cook Time: 1 hr
  • TotalTime:
Sweet Potato, Orange & Pineapple Puree

Sweet Potato, Orange & Pineapple Puree


  • Vegan
  • Gluten free
  • Paleo


  • Produce

    • 1/2 cup Mandarin orange
    • 5 oz Pineapple chunks, fresh
    • 1/2 Sweet potato, large

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A great food option for your baby 6m+


  • 1/2 Large Sweet Potato
  • 1/2 Cup Mandarin Orange wedges in water, drained
  • 5 Oz. Fresh Pineapple Chunks


  • Roast sweet potato until it begins to caramelize and becomes very soft. Remove from oven and allow to cool completely. Scoop inside of sweet potato out of skin into blender. Add mandarin wedges and pineapple. Blend on high until smooth.
  • Prepare: 1 hr
  • Cook Time: 1 hr
  • TotalTime:


208 2

Recipe: Sweet Potato, Orange & Pineapple Puree - Family Style Nutrition


There are SO many baby food choices in the supermarket these days. If you don’t have proper guidance from your pediatrician or nutritionist those shelves can be overwhelming and intimidating. My advice? Take advantage of the incredible number of baby food recipes available online, and make as much of your baby’s food as you can. …

Sweet Potato, Orange & Pineapple Puree

  • Produce

    • 1/2 cup Mandarin orange
    • 5 oz Pineapple chunks, fresh
    • 1/2 Sweet potato, large

The first person this recipe



208 2

Found on familystylenutrition.com

Family Style Nutrition

Recipe: Sweet Potato, Orange & Pineapple Puree - Family Style Nutrition

There are SO many baby food choices in the supermarket these days. If you don’t have proper guidance from your pediatrician or nutritionist those shelves can be overwhelming and intimidating. My advice? Take advantage of the incredible number of baby food recipes available online, and make as much of your baby’s food as you can. …