White Chocolate Peanut Butter Krispies

White Chocolate Peanut Butter Krispies

White Chocolate Peanut Butter Krispies

White Chocolate Peanut Butter Krispies


  • Gluten free


  • Produce

    • 2 cups Peanuts, dry roasted
  • Condiments

    • 1/2 cup Peanut butter
  • Pasta & Grains

    • 2 cups Rice krispies ceral
  • Baking & Spices

    • 1 1/2 packages White chocolate chips
  • Desserts

    • 2 cups Marshmallows

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  • 2 cups Rice Krispies ceral
  • 2 cups dry roasted peanuts
  • 2 cups marshmallows
  • 1/2 cup peanut butter
  • 1 and 1/2 packages (12 oz. package) white chocolate chips
  • changed: 1 1/2 white chocolate chip packages (instead of 2) 1/2 cup peanut butter (instead of 1) melted whte chocolate and pb in a pan over low heat.


  • Combine cereal, peanuts and marshmallows in a large bowl. Set aside.
  • In a pan melt white chocolate chips and peanut butter over low heat, stirring constantly.
  • Add white chocolate and PB mix to the cereal mixture and mix well.
  • Drop by tablespoons onto waxed paper and let set. Refrigerate for 1 hour. Store in airtight container.


346 0

White Chocolate Peanut Butter Krispies {Hello Summer} - I Heart Nap Time


Hi there I Heart Nap Time friends! My name is Kristyn, and I blog over at Lil’ Luna. I’m so excited to be here on Jamielyn’s site. She one of my real life BFFs and I LOVE the girl and all her creativity! Today, I will be sharing an easy and delish recipe that the …

White Chocolate Peanut Butter Krispies

  • Produce

    • 2 cups Peanuts, dry roasted
  • Condiments

    • 1/2 cup Peanut butter
  • Pasta & Grains

    • 2 cups Rice krispies ceral
  • Baking & Spices

    • 1 1/2 packages White chocolate chips
  • Desserts

    • 2 cups Marshmallows

The first person this recipe



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Found on iheartnaptime.net

I Heart Nap Time

White Chocolate Peanut Butter Krispies {Hello Summer} - I Heart Nap Time

Hi there I Heart Nap Time friends! My name is Kristyn, and I blog over at Lil’ Luna. I’m so excited to be here on Jamielyn’s site. She one of my real life BFFs and I LOVE the girl and all her creativity! Today, I will be sharing an easy and delish recipe that the …